Though we have read a lot about handbags and in particular animal print handbags, this type of handbag seems to be a hot selling one and people still crave to own one. They are eye catching and women crave to own one despite the fact that they are quite expensive. Many women have made it an inevitable part of their wardrobe. This would probably be one of those personal items that women would love to carry along.
These handbags get noticed everywhere you go and gets along with any kind of garment you wear, whether it be plain or otherwise. For those who have a special bonding with animals, this would be the perfect way to express it. No wonder many animal lovers own them and others follow them. Even though they look like real animal skin, they are indeed made from artificial material that makes it look like original and hence it gets accepted by environmentalists and wildlife enthusiastic. Since they are expensive, they tend to get noticed soon and also add to the glamour of the user.
More at http://www.wholesalebyatlas.com